FullbridgeX: Career Edge 2x Communication and Teamwork

MOOC Summaries - Fullbridge - Career Edge - Communication and Teamwork

FullbridgeX: Career Edge 2x Communication and Teamwork

Jim Pautz, Vice President of Coaching
Caroline Young, Chief Product Officer
“This career development course will teach you how to effectively communicate, collaborate, and resolve conflicts with colleagues and become a stellar team member. You’ll learn through real-world examples and scenarios, which will enable you to be ready to collaborate on day one of your next job or project… Choose appropriate communication styles and formats for different audiences and situations…  Structure email and PowerPoint communications for maximum impact…  Form an effective team and build a project plan… Plan and facilitate effective team meetings… Use known techniques and practices to improve group collaboration… Disagree constructively with peers… 


Week 1: Fundamentals of Communication

Week 2: Communication Strategies

Week 3: Effective Teamwork and Project Planning

Week 4: Final Assessment & Course Recap

 photo: depositphotos/Rawpixel
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