Week 4: Pulling It All Together

Week 4: Pulling It All Together

“Part of a movement”


  • Week 4: Pulling It All Together > Part of a Movement (3 min.) > This Week

Week 4: Pulling It All Together > Part of a Movement (3 min.) > This Week

  • You made it to Week 4, the final week of our Inclusive Leadership Training course.
  • In Week 1, you looked at your leadership vision for you and that leaders should admire.
  • In Week 2, you dug into your blind spots, and you learned about unconscious bias and otherness and stereotypes and applied those to yourself and to others.
  • Then in Week 3, you learned about leading with inclusion and the framework of EACH.
  • Look and see what people shared from their own plans in the previous week, and share more with each other.
  • What do you need to do in the next three months, the next six months, the next two years? What do you need to do in the next week? This is your call to action.

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