Week 1: 21st Century Leaders

Week 1: 21st Century Leaders 

“On the Path to Great Leadership … Leadership, Starting With a “Lone Nut””


  • Week 1: 21st Century Leaders > On the Path to Great Leadership (7 min.) > Welcome to the Course
  • Week 1: 21st Century Leaders > Leadership, Starting With a
  • Week 1: 21st Century Leaders > Leadership, Starting With a

Week 1: 21st Century Leaders > On the Path to Great Leadership (7 min.) > Welcome to the Course

  • Krista Brookman and Emily Troiano are the other instructors that you will be hearing from in weeks two, three, and four.
  • This first video sets the foundation for the course, and it will also tell you what is it that’s in store for you each week.
  • This introductory course is designed to get you started on your quest of becoming an inclusive leader, a successful leader.
  • You can be an inclusive leader, and inclusion benefits everyone.
  • The dictionary says, inclusion is the action or state of being included, or including others in groups and structures.
  • To be a successful inclusive leader, you have to make others feel included.
  • As a leader, what can you do to make others feel included.
  • Your how-to guide on being an inclusive leader, whether in your workplaces or in your personal life.
  • In week one, this week, you will learn about 21st-century leaders.
  • What exactly does a 21st-century leader look like? And more important, why should you care? Why should you want to be like that? In week two, we’ll get into the blind spots, the unconscious challenges, the biases, the stereotypes, and otherness.
  • In week three, we’ll get into the inclusive leadership behaviors that I mentioned earlier, the EACH method-empowerment, accountability, courage, and humility.
  • In week four, our final week, we will pull the various parts of our personal leadership plan together and finalize the personal leadership plan.
  • So let’s get started and kick off week one with two questions.

Week 1: 21st Century Leaders > Leadership, Starting With a “Lone Nut” (12 min.) > Ursula Burns on Leading & Following

  • There’s a whole bunch of times in a day where I’m a follower.
  • There’s a lot of times when I’m the leader.
  • Overall, on balance, I think I follow a little bit more than I lead. So this idea that what does it take to be a leader? It’s not a person.
  • There’s not-like the CEO is the leader of the company.
  • I expect every single person in our 140,000-person company at some point in time in the day, when it’s their time, when their skills, when their opinions, when their expertise actually is called on, that they actually step up and take charge.

Week 1: 21st Century Leaders > Leadership, Starting With a “Lone Nut” (12 min.) > Looking Forward – Why This Matters

  • I think more, and more, and more people are realizing that the teams that they’re going to be part of will be more diverse.
  • Full stop, they will be more diverse, across gender, but also across ethnicity, and nationality, and religion, and sexual orientation.
  • More people are understanding that really diverse teams generally don’t perform middle of the road. They’re either off the charts great, or they’re absolutely awful.

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