Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping

Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping

“Introduction … Defining your career vision … your career plan … measuring success in your career development … conclusion”
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  • Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 1: Introduction > Introduction to Career Goals and Mapping
  • Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 3: Your Career Plan > Pursuing Your Dream Career
  • Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 3: Your Career Plan > Creating Your Career Plan
  • Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 4: Measuring Success in Your Career Development > Staying Motivated
  • Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 5: Conclusion > Section 3 Close

Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 1: Introduction > Introduction to Career Goals and Mapping

  • You’ve had the opportunity to develop your organizational IQ – so you can make informed decisions about your career aspirations.
  • Next, we’ll talk about identifying your career vision.
  • It may sound a little out there, but having a career vision – or an image of what you aspire to do in your work life is important.
  • If this is true for you, it can help you focus on a specific career path.
  • This can be a great challenge as you seek advancement in your career.
  • This will help you close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.

Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 3: Your Career Plan > Pursuing Your Dream Career

  • Throughout this course, we’ve discussed several different concepts.
  • Finally, in the most recent section, you took that knowledge and gave it purpose by identifying your career goals.
  • Now that you have a sense of your dream career, Jim will help you build a specific map that will get you there! But before we explore further, it’s important to note that developing career paths is a continuous process.

Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 3: Your Career Plan > Creating Your Career Plan

  • We’re now going to take everything you’ve learned in this course and apply it to creating your very own Career Plan.
  • Think of your career plan as an analysis of the professional you; by the end of this section, you’ll have a concrete plan that establishes what you need to do in order to achieve your career goals.
  • First, we’re going to identify your personal interests and career goal or goals to see if they align.
  • Having identified the areas in which you need to improve, we’ll have you create goals and plan how you’ll meet the requirements for the job.

Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 4: Measuring Success in Your Career Development > Staying Motivated

  • As you start pursuing your career goals, remember the resources that can help you stay motivated.
  • Successful people find success not only through hard work, but also by tapping into their network.
  • It’s important to find a balance between your personal and professional life.
  • Taking time to unwind is important, and pursuing other interests has the side benefit of helping grow your personal network.
  • All mistakes and failures that emerge during your career can be discouraging, but they can also be learning opportunities.
  • Evaluate your mistakes and see what you can do better the next time you find yourself in a similar situation.

Section 3: Career Goals and Mapping > Subsection 5: Conclusion > Section 3 Close

  • You’ll apply everything that you’ve been learning from Jim and Fullbridge.
  • At the end of this course, you’ll have a proper career plan to walk away with.

You’ll be ready to take a giant step forward in reaching your professional goals!

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