UTHealthSPHx: IMAGINE99x – Reinvent yourself: Unleash your creativity

MOOC Summaries - Reinvent Yourself: Unleash Your CreativityUniversity of Texas – Health Science Centre at Houston – School of Public Health: IMAGINE99x – Reinvent yourself: Unleash your creativity

Dr. Roberta Ness, James W. Rockwell Professorship in Public Health
University of Texas Health Science Center
“Leading companies look for innovative thinking in new hires and for career advancement. Yet only 1 in 4 of us feels truly creative. Time to reinvent yourself and unleash the creativity lying dormant in all of us…
… exclusive 5-step program to being an effective innovator. Learn to break free from your usual thinking pattern and start generating creative solutions to life’s challenges. Sharpen your powers of observation, make surprising associations, expand your idea space, and even master how to think backwards. Hone your creative thinking skills by solving real-world problems from business and science…
… Students will learn how to…  Solve a problem that calls for a new approach… Identify habitual ways of thinking and find novel alternatives… Use thinking tools such as analogy, reversal, expansion, narrowing, changing point-of-view… Find the best innovative approach to solve specific problems… Spread what you’ve learned and effectively communicate your ideas… “

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